I'll let the cat out of the bag. I was the one who asked Darth to give the talk at my hall (before I officially faded of course, which I completely walked away in Spring, 2009). After much thought, he decided NOT to do it. At the time I asked him, I was having problems getting GOOD speakers at the hall for the public talks. This was no exaggeration, there were some weeks that the talks were so painful that I wondered whether these speakers could even complete a HOOKED ON PHONICS exercise.
I remembered how GREAT a speaker Darth was before and during our Bethel days, so I asked him. I had it set up that he would be visiting from his old congo in NYC and even put it up on the board with one of his outlines that he used to give. This was during the final days in the org and I thought it would be a hoot to have him give the talk and it would've made sitting their listening to the public talk BEARABLE for once.
In hindsight, I respect his decision, but I always wonder WHAT IF? What would that have been like? Would've been AWESOME!